Join this force of WARRIORS!!

COLLABORATE WITH THE ASSOCIATION _cc781905-5-bb6bad5b8f5-31
Through the collaboration of the Companies, the Association carries out various fundraising actions and develops initiatives to promote research and the development of different professionals in the field of histiocytosis since, being a very rare disease, research is key in the search for TREATMENTS. and a cure.

Fundraising: Your company can help!
The private sector is a key ally. If you are interested in collaborating with the work of the ARGENTINE ASSOCIATION ofHISTIOCYTOSIS, your company can:
make a donationto allocate to AAH programs in favor of RESEARCH of the AAH (Argentine Association of Histiocytosis) in Argentina.
Donate a percentage of the saleof the products or services that your company sells.
Transform your company into a channel through which customers can collaborate directly with la AAH (Argentine Histiocytosis Association), making a donation when they make a purchase or rounding up their change.
Participate as a sponsor in eventsthat the AAH (Argentine Association of Histiocytosis) organizes during the year. Our special events are: HistioGuerreros Art Contest, .
Invite your clients to become AAH monthly donors (Argentine Association of Histiocytosis) with your credit or debit card.
For more information, contact +5411 4416-0565 or write to info@aah.org.ar